Instructing a Decline on The Digital Divide Worldwide

Siatech is a global nonprofit organization that uses existing research from various locations around the globe that have been affected by the presence of digital inequality and works with various partners to donate devices and create educational curricula for these areas.


Extensive research on the digital divide in the particular geographic location. 

Perspectives and Planning

Quality planning and execution aiding those disconnected from other global societies.


Contact our partners to collectively send devices to underprivileged areas in need and to implement them for use.

The COVID-19 pandemic starkly exposed the existing digital divide

Our Story

Not long after the Covid-19 pandemic, many began to realize that our growing world relied on technology much more than we thought. Though as the world shifted to a more virtual stage, many individuals in less fortunate communities around the world couldn't rely on these necessities that larger world powers continued rely on. The widespread disparity only increased the divide, increasing the imbalance around the globe. Surprisingly so, not much was done in effort to close the gap. The problem became renowned and opportunities were left behind. Soon, as the pandemic died down and our societies began to shift to a somewhat "normal" routine again, these technology disparities were still prominent in the world much more than it should be. We've decided to change that. The creation of this program is to provide awareness to the problems of technology gaps, how much potential these areas contain, and finally a proposal plan that is utilized via our program with the help of our partners to establish computer access in underserved communities.

  • Networking Free Educational Services

    Our programs and projects incorporate free education services for individuals to be aware of the opportunities around them. The utilization of these widespread learning programs will be transformed into larger knowledge sectors per individual, the discovery of new careers, and will contribute to the increase of overall well-being through an increase of financial status. We recommend MIT Opencourseware, Stanford free classes, Google Careers, Indeed job postings, and more to provide the best experience for all. 

  • Putting Communities First

    ​We pledge to always put our communities first and take care of our interest areas. The interest areas that our organization pursues are extremely underdeveloped and underprivileged. This organization was formed in order to help communities, globally. Considering these circumstances, we will continue to help these areas in any way we can, continue to provide real-world solutions, and partner with others to achieve large goals in aiding the digital divide gap.

  • Designed with Quality of Life Benefit

    Each one of our research projects have one end goal. This being to establish technology exposure and connectivity within a region and the other to benefit the quality of lives of individuals. This idea is utilized by our free educational services that we incorporate as sponsors within our programs and our implementation process. This allows for similar opportunity displacement as in developed countries.

An Organization for change and for advocacy, dedicated to communities.


Not only is it our purpose to provide aid to these regions, but we also strive to promote advocacy to the issue. Knowing how wide the gap is, we encourage other organizations to do the same. This crisis is an issue each individual should have full comprehension on.