A Vast Resource page put together by our program

Resource Page

A formative list of resources that we promote in each of our programs. This includes free education services we've found, free career posting services, informative sectors, and more. These are services that underprivileged individuals may use to better quality of life and arise to a new social state once computer access is achieved in a specified area by our program.

  • MIT Opencourseware

    MIT Opencourseware is promoted on behalf of our educational beliefs. The course program is hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology with real qualifed professors teaching a variety of online classes. This allows individuals to take a course and possibly get certified in a specific field for no cost. It provides a learning opportunity to all as this is the first step in our program of bettering quality of life. These newly aquired skills can be then incorporated into career options or develop newly created ideas that can be facilitated with the new technology our program has put in place.

  • Google Career Certificates

    Google Career Certificates is a program put together by Google for individuals to gain certified skills for various careers in various fields. These skills aim to provide the resources necessary for an individual to get a better quality of job and develop new ideas based on their yearning. The program allows those enrolled to connect with top brands and gain an advantage over those on interviews as well as resumes. Google Career Certificates also partner with other course programs such as Coursera, with professional instructors and a learning curriculum fitted to the individual's needs. Some premium courses do have a fee yet most of the courses/certificates offered are complimentary with no experience required.

  • Stanford Edu. Online Courses

    Similar to MIT Opencourseware, Stanford offers a wide range of free and paid courses with virtually no prior experience required. Individuals can earn certificates as well to demonstrate their understanding to job professionals. These courses are taught online by Stanford professors and have online assignments at the individual own pace. The free classes section displays an large amount of classes ranging in a variety of complex subjects. This program is useful for those that don't have adequate schooling or teaching beyond secondary school.

  • Coursera Online

    Another option for free course services is a service called Coursera. This program offers certificates of learning new skills, establishing degrees, paid courses, and complimentary courses. The service partners with other learning platforms like the ones listed above: Stanford Online, Google, MIT, Duke, Penn, IBM, etc. With each skill and course Coursera offers an average pay salary, quality of job life, requirements, etc. to set indivudals up for what they truly want to pursue.

  • Harvard Online Courses (free section)

    Harvard University along with MIT and Stanford has also put together an area where they host free courses by skillful professors. These courses consist of current event educational courses, career and field based learning, and skill learning. Some courses, like the coding related classes build upon each other, requiring no prior experience. The free courses section is not only large but also one of the best our program has found, alike to the quality of being a genuine college or high school student.

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a career connecting service in which individuals create a professional career profile and have the ability to view high-paying jobs, similar individuals with the same career interests, various company updates, and create a resume that stands out. LinkedIn allows individuals to display their interests, job experience, and search for opportunities in their area. By connecting with recruiters and those at other companies, those that use LinkedIn gain an advantage as they can view exclusive career options, get advice from professionals, and even discuss business ideas with similar individuals. It's one of the largest connective services that we strongly promote for our underprivileged individuals/communities as it's a fresh way to start a new career.

  • Social Media Services and News Services

    We recommend that our individuals immediately also start using social media services such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This way individuals can gain knowledge about the world globally, regionally, and within their community. It arises to new marketing strategies and current world affairs, it can even help with the development of new business ideas. By following large companies, news services, political interests, etc an individual can gain new opinions as well as opportunities to better income status. We also recommend that individuals gain access to local news services, nationwide news services, and global news services to fully comprehend all current events for them to be taken advantage of.

  • Indeed Job Posting Services

    Indeed job posting services is a service that posts various jobs across large field careers. Large corporations and small businesses usually post job openings for the public on the service, as it provides information like job titles, pay ranges, requirements, etc. These individuals reached by our programs can start a new career after gaining one of the skills required for it by using our free course options above. This way it starts them off with a brand new career or a continuing existing one to increase pay range, quality of job, quality of job/life balance, and give them a better chance at increasing financial status.